
Traditional Packaging Culture in Japan and Contemporary Package Design: Fusion of Beauty and Thoughtfulness

Thank you for taking the time to read the FB Management newsletter!

Today, we will introduce you to Japan’s proud “packaging culture” and its contemporary package design.

Japanese packaging culture values not only wrapping items but also emphasizes consideration for the recipient and a sense of aesthetic beauty.

  • History and Background of Packaging

    Japanese packaging culture dates back to the Heian period (794-1185).

    During that time, aristocrats meticulously wrapped gifts in Japanese paper or silk and adorned them with decorations.

    This practice elevated gifts beyond their material value.


  • Aesthetics and Thoughtfulness in Packaging

    Japanese packaging embodies not only visual beauty but also meticulous consideration for the recipient.

    For instance, even the way a knot is tied carries meaning.

    The tying technique of Mizuhiki expresses concepts of tying and untying, with knots that are difficult to undo used for celebrations like weddings and easily untied knots for occasions like funerals.


  • Contemporary Package Design

    Modern package design in Japan seamlessly blends traditional elements with modern aesthetics.

    Examples include packages made from washi paper or designs incorporating traditional patterns.

    Moreover, there is a growing trend towards eco-friendly materials, reflecting a concern for the environment.


  • Popular Products in Overseas Markets

    Japanese package design is highly esteemed in international markets.

    Its attention to detail and beautiful design leave a deep impression on customers abroad.


Enjoy Japanese Package Design

We hope you enjoy Japanese package design and look forward to introducing you to more outstanding products.

Sato Den Masuo Shoten Co., Ltd. is renowned for its refined package design and traditional treats such as rice malt syrup and konpeito.


Thank you for reading until the end.

Hi, I’m Matsumoto, the writer for this issue of FB Times.

Receiving a beautifully packaged gift truly enhances the joy, doesn’t it?

I believe that Japanese packaging culture and package design are more than just practicality; they are vital elements that connect the hearts of both the giver and the recipient.I hope that through such heartwarming gifts, deep connections can be fostered.

We’ll keep sharing more information about Japan, so stay tuned!

Please feel free to email us if you have any opinions, feedback, or if you are interested in any particular areas related to Japanese food and craft products.

FB Management provides support for exporting excellent Japanese food, beverages, and crafts from small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan, as well as importing outstanding products from overseas.

Shall we explore future business opportunities together? If you are interested, please feel free to contact us!