
In 2024, Japan had 11.79 million new graduates! Check out our new graduate interview.

Meet the team!

Thank you for taking the time to read the FB Management newsletter!

This time, we’ll be sharing insights gained from interview with one of our new team member.

In Japan, the new graduate system is a cornerstone of employment.

Companies hire fresh graduates straight out of university, fostering loyalty and long-term commitment.

This system is deeply rooted in Japanese culture, emphasizing stability and continuity within organizations.

We interviewed Asano, who joined the company as a new graduate in FB management, so let us introduce her.


Name: Riko Asano

Hometown: Saitama Prefecture

Education:Graduated from Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

Hobbies:Weight training, running, and making sweets!


Why did you choose FB management?

Because it aligned with these three axes: “being able to use English,” “being in an environment where I can grow,” and “having a job where I can help both myself and the people and companies I’m involved with to grow.


Eagerness to contribute to the team

I’m eager to contribute with my English skills honed through my experience in America and my highly motivated personality. I hope I can be of help to the team in some way.😊


What are your future career goals?

I want to be able to conduct negotiations in English and be a bridge between Japanese companies and the world.


The Project I’m working on

We’re organizing an overseas tour for Japanese companies from various industries. In September, they’ll be on the West Coast conducting surveys and exploring new market opportunities, with a focus on networking with local businesses to build international connections.

She will become a bridge between global companies and Japanese businesses from now on. Please look forward to her future endeavors!

We will provide detailed information about the overseas tour Asano mentioned in our newsletter soon. 😉

Thank you for reading until the end.

Hi, I’m Matsumoto, the writer for this issue of FB Times.

I graduated and started working overseas, so I didn’t experience Japan’s system for new graduates and new employees. When I see new employees in town, they look fresh and eager, and I silently root for them in my heart. 😊

We’ll keep sharing more information about Japan, so stay tuned!

Please feel free to email us if you have any opinions, feedback, or if you are interested in any particular areas related to Japanese food products.

FB Management provides support for exporting excellent Japanese food, beverages, and crafts from small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan, as well as importing outstanding products from overseas.

Shall we explore future business opportunities together? If you are interested, please feel free to contact us!