
Japanese Holiday Culture: Obon Traditions and Notice of Summer Holiday Closure

Thank you for taking the time to read the FB Management newsletter!

In Japan, there are several long holidays throughout the year. Compared to other countries, Japanese holidays tend to be longer, which often surprises people.

Among these, the most famous are Golden Week (GW), Obon, and the New Year holiday season.

Especially during Obon, which is a traditional Japanese vacation period, activities are held nationwide in mid-August.


What is Obon?

Obon is a traditional Japanese event that signifies a period when ancestral spirits are believed to temporarily return to the earthly realm. It typically takes place from August 13th to 15th during summer, although the exact dates can vary by region.



During this event, the main purposes include welcoming, honoring, and comforting the spirits of deceased relatives. Specific rituals such as visiting graves, participating in Bon dances (Bon odori), and lighting Bon lanterns (bonbi) are commonly observed.

Obon is a time for families to gather, often returning to their hometowns, which strengthens familial bonds. Different regions may have unique traditions and customs that reflect their local culture and history, making Obon a significant event that showcases Japan’s diverse regional identities.


Notice of Summer Holiday Closure

FB Management office will be closed from August 12th to 15th, coinciding with the Obon period.

During this time, responses and communications may be delayed. We appreciate your understanding.


Thank you for reading until the end.

Hi, I’m Matsumoto, the writer for this issue of FB Times.

I started living in my husband’s hometown after getting married.

What surprised me during Obon was that we visit the graves twice a day, in the morning and evening, and eat the offerings like sweets at the gravesite.

In my hometown, we only visit once during the Obon period, so I was surprised by the regional differences even within Japan.

We’ll keep sharing more information about Japan, so stay tuned!

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